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Underwater Creations

Vibrant Saltwater 16oz

Vibrant Saltwater 16oz

For years people have always asked us how we keep our aquariums so nice and clean. The answer was a simple response, we use our own homemade liquid aquarium cleaner. The next question would always be, do you sell it? The answer from us was always, no, it is for our use only.

After being asked so many times, we decided that we should share what we knew worked so well. So, we teamed up with a group of scientists and created a consumer based version of the same product, which we have simply named Vibrant.


Vibrant is available in 3 different formulas to suit whatever type of aquarium you have.

Saltwater - For Saltwater Aquariums

Freshwater - For Freshwater Aquariums

Reef - For Live Coral Reef Aquariums

Vibrant is safe with all fish, corals and invertebrates.

Disclaimer -

Vibrant can be very deceiving. It can make your aquarium look so clean that you will think you can skip your regular routine aquarium maintenance of filter changes and water changes. We highly recommend that you do not skip this but that you use Vibrant in conjunction with your normal aquarium routine for a happy vibrant aquarium.

Vibrant Dosing Instructions -

For all 3 formulas, Saltwater, Freshwater and Reef.

For a very well taken care of, clean aquarium, add 1ml of Vibrant per 10 gallons of aquarium water once every 2 weeks.


If you are battling Bryopsis or Turf algae, dose 1ml of Vibrant per 10 gallons of aquarium water two times per week.

There is no need to discontinue the use of any filtration while using Vibrant.

Vibrant is safe with all fish, corals and invertebrates.



Vibrant Warning -

Vibrant is for aquarium use only. Keep away from children and pets.


Vibrant Ingredients -

95% Cultured Bacteria Blend

1% Amino Acids (Aspartic Acid)

0.5% Vinegar

3.5% RO/DI Water

Regular price $37.95
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