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Repashy Formic-Cal Plus

Repashy Formic-Cal Plus

Formic-Cal Plus

Reptile & Amphibian

Ant Eater Supplement


Our “All-in-One” Insect Dusting Powder provides Formic Acid to Supplement Obligate Ant Eating Species.


WARNING: Calcium Formate is an irritant. In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice.


INFORMATION: This product should be considered EXPERIMENTAL. The requirements for dietary formic acid are unknown, and this product is designed to be a tool for research only. Use this product at your own risk. Formic-Cal Plus has a strong taste and may not be palatable to some species at full strength. If necessary, dilute with our Calcium Plus.

Regular price $11.44
Regular price Sale price $11.44
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